Refund policy:

How Will You Be Refunded?
Usually, our products are checked multiple times so that there is no room for return. Although, if it happens then our policy is quite transparent.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of product or if you receive a defective/damaged product then we are open to returns.
You just have to click your product photo and share with us at Once our team verifies them, we will place a reverse pickup from your address to our warehouse address. The tracking number of this reverse pickup will be shared with you so that you can also keep a track of your order. Once the same reaches back to us, we’ll verify the product and process the refund to the concerned department. Refunds are typically completed in 8-10 working days. If in case, refund doesn’t appear in your account you can always follow up with us at
For prepaid orders, refund is credited to your source bank account/cards. For COD orders, the refund will be credited after confirmation from the customer. Please note, we do not refund the shipping charges for COD orders.
Please keep in mind that we are not responsible for any delays in credit to the Cardholder’s credit card account, which is administered by the Cardholder’s issuing bank.
If you have any query or doubt then please reach us out at

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